Mr. Mat Hematic is my first Steam release!

It is a short, fun, 2D platformer puzzle game where you must use given mathematical operations to alter the environment so you can move around.

5 million+ Impressions!

2.6k+ Players!

How did it start?

Mr. Mat Hematic originally was a short game made in 1 week for Game Jam in 2022.

Even though the game jam ended several months ago, I still kept going back and playing this game, because I liked the puzzle mechanics a lot. And each time I wished there were more levels.

So eventually I decided to add more levels, finish the game and publish it on Steam.


Unexpectedly the game got many impressions and a lot of positive reviews. And after carefully reading each review I saw the game’s potential.

What’s next?

I always had this idea: If this game would gain positive feedback in its current state, I would improve everything (especially visuals and clunky movement) and release it as something like Mr. Mat Hematic: Definitive Edition.

I imagined this to happen a few years later, after a few games, but I think it is time!

What will I need from you?

Even after we have improved the visuals and movements, it is not enough to release it as a new game. We’ll need to add more levels, mechanics, cutscenes, etc. (maybe enemies, and a boss?).

We’ll need more time and budget to dedicate for this project. So we are planning to launch a Kickstarter campaign once we are ready. That’s why I am asking each of you to consider whether you’d like to support this project or not. If your answer is yes, please, subscribe to our mailing list, or join our Discord Server! :)

What is Kickstarter?

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We started the development of new Mr. Mat Hematic! Currently the new character looks like this.

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